
Consolidated Group At 30 June 2009

 $ millions
Tier 1 Capital  
Retained Earnings including current year earnings

$ 510.68

Deductions from Tier 1 Capital ($ 21.81)
Total Tier 1 Capital $ 488.87
Tier 2 Capital net of deductions $ 1.69
Total Capital Base $ 490.56

Capital Adequacy

Consolidated Group At 30 June 2009
 $ millions
Risk weighted asset value for :
Credit Risk

Claims against residential mortgages

$ 1,521.08

Claims against ADI’s
$ 179.09
$ 172.97
All other claims
$ 720.95

Market Risk


Operational Risk $ 363.80

Capital Ratios

Tier 1 Capital Ratio for the group

16.53 %

Total Capital Ratio for the group 16.59 %

Credit Risk Exposure

Consolidated Group At 30 June 2009 $ millions
  Gross Credit Risk Exposure Average Gross Exposure for the quarter Loans impaired Loans past due 90 days Specific Provisions Bad Debts Expense for the quarter
Loans and Advances       


$ 4,058.60

$ 3,975.78

$ 4.21

$ 4.21



$ 505.98 $ 508.42 $ 8.72 $ 5.41 $ 5.37 $ 0.82

Total Loans and Advances

$ 4,564.58

$ 4,484.20

$ 12.93

$ 9.62

$ 5.37

$ 0.82

Liquidity Investments $ 794.70 $ 914.48     
General Reserve for Credit Losses $ 7.46  $ 7.46